About Us
Havana Horses is a natural horse school, located just around the corner of the toll road exit Salatiga, centrally positioned between Yogyakarta, Semarang and Solo in Central Java, Indonesia (see also: Location and for a map Where to find us).
Our robust and surefooted horses - of Indonesian breed and local crossed with thoroughbred - are kept, fed and trained the natural way. Our horses live outside 24/7 in herds, eat the naturally available grasses and hay, go barefoot, and we train our horses using natural horsemanship & straightness training methods.
We train and ride our horses without bit, spurs or any other means of force; at Havana Horses you learn how to communicate with your horse and become partners.
As from 2007 people from all over the world enjoy lessons, courses, trail rides, horsey yoga retreats and holidays, at Havana Horses in Central Java. Havana Horses is run by horse trainers and coaches Havedz Nugroho and Anna van Rheeden.
Watch "This is Havana Horses!" on Youtube.

Others About Us
Look at this awesome impression of a beginners' lesson in 2020 on Youtube that the parents of these students made!
Watch this video on Youtube a guest made after her visit in September 2014!
Havana Horses has been featuring in several magazines through the years. Read the articles here!
We are listed on Book Yoga Retreats, on Pferd & Reiter and on Riding Vacations and Stable Mates; choose Indonesia.
Read many reviews by visitors here on Tripadvisor!